A Sound Heart
Submitted by Frank Williams
December 23, 2024
Ps 119:80 Let my heart be sound in thy statutes; that I be not ashamed.
Verses 73-80 are the JOD verses of Psalm 119, each verse starting with the smallest letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
Jesus referred to this letter when He said, Mt 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. The “jot” was the smallest letter. The “tittle” was a distinguishing stroke or mark that showed a difference between two letters. So amazingly, Jesus promised that God's Word would be preserved down to the very letter, including smaller strokes of a letter. (Like the dot on an “i” or a cross on a “t”)
These Scriptures in Psalm 119 are especially helpful to review when life has presented us with a trial, and we need our loving Heavenly Father's comfort. He is ever present, and His peace and assurance are just a prayer away.
Verse 80 starts out with the heart. The psalmist prayed for his heart to be sound. We need to keep the Word of God close to our hearts. Sound doctrine is an essential. Sound judgment and discernment in the Scriptures is needed. But a sound heart toward the Truth is best of all.
There are five requests made in verses 76-80, and they all begin with “Let.” These are requests we would do well to pray at any time, but especially during times of trial and suffering. They reveal a genuine love for the Lord and a dependence on Him to help us in time of need.
v.76 – His merciful kindness is our comfort.
v.77 – His tender mercies sustain our life.
v.78 – We remain focused on God's Word, though others mistreat us.
v.79 – That we might remain a blessing to others during our hardship.
v.80 – Our hearts would not wander but remain sound.
Consider – Sound hearts believe and obey what the Lord Jesus taught. This will turn a sound heart into a joyful heart.