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Who We Are

Ron & Tara Black - Administrative Directors

Ron and Tara Black

Ron and Tara Black are the Administrative Directors of the Lighthouse Children's Homes Ministry.  Since 2005, they have served in every capacity including being house parents, field representatives, office managers, and serving on the Board of Advisors.

It is the Black's desire to see the Lighthouse Children's Homes Ministry reach the children of the world. It is also their desire to open new Homes as the Lord leads.  

The Blacks divide their time between traveling to update supporting churches, raising new support for the Lighthouse, and visiting the current Lighthouse Homes to check on conditions at each one. The Blacks are available to present the Lighthouse Ministry, preach Missions Conferences, Special Days, Youth Camps, and pulpit supply.  Tara sings and Ron uses Gospel Illusions and Chalk Sermons to present the Gospel.  

If you would like to contact Ron about visiting your Church or have questions about the ministry, please call him at (662) 582-4873 or email him at

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