Speak Often To One Another
Submitted by Frank Williams
January 20, 2025
Mal 3:16 Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.
To fear the Lord is to have an awesome respect for Him and His Word. Such respect does not want to bring shame and dishonor to Him, so it fears to disobey. We should respect our Lord so much that we do not want to disappoint Him.
People who stay in touch with each other have a common bond that motivates them to do so. The Fear of the Lord is such a bond among believers, and when one’s heart finds others who share in it, we want to spend time with them.
As a method and as a motivation, speaking with others of like faith helps keep us in the fear of the Lord. God uses fellowship with godly believers to strengthen us. As we invest time with them, by the grace of God, it confirms our loyalty to the faith. It encourages us in resisting the varied temptations that come our way. We will always have a proper shoulder to lean on, along with knees that bend with us in prayer.
Jesus did not ask His disciples to go it alone. When He sent them out, He sent them two by two (Luke 10:1). They needed each other in personal support, in spiritual growth, and in ministry. And what they needed in their journeys, we need on our journey through life as well.
This kind of fellowship with those of a common heart begins here. Now, we gain mutual comfort and support. Now, we can rejoice when they rejoice, and we sorrow when they sorrow (Romans 12:15). Now, our oneness with Jesus provides a oneness with our brethren, so that one’s life affects the other. The glad assurance is that what begins here will transition and continue on forever and ever.
Though our differences may be many, yet there is a common bond in the Lord. This point of connection—which leads us to speak often to one another—is the fear of the Lord.
Consider – Father listens to our conversations about Him, even our thoughts, and a Book of Remembrance is written. Like a family memoir.