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[Lighthouse Daily Devotion] The Beauty of Brokenness

The Beauty of Brokenness
For Women By Women
Submitted by Trish Williams
June 14, 2024

Mt 26:7 There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat.

This woman by religious standards was “broken” because of her sinful lifestyle and, therefore, of little value.  As Jesus sat in the house of Simon the leper, she was seeking to find Him. Upon finding Him, she broke the alabaster box of oil and began pouring it upon the Lord.  

Even in her ministering to the Lord, the displeased disciples said, “To what purpose is this waste?”  It seems that no one saw the value of the “broken” woman, the broken box, nor of the brokenness of her heart.  The One who always sees the beauty underneath the brokenness saw her need (vs. 10).

This woman, with a broken life of immorality, ministered to our Saviour.  The brokenness of one’s past is not a hindrance to our Lord. Rather than throw us away, He repairs us, and then uses us to do His will.

It was not the strong seaworthy ship that brought Paul and the others safely to shore. Rather, it was the boards and broken pieces of that vessel God used to accomplish His purpose.

  • Ac 27:44 And the rest, some on boards, and some on broken pieces of the ship. And so it came to pass, that they escaped all safe to land.

All around us there are those who are grasping for just a piece of a broken vessel to help rescue them, as they are sinking in despair without hope. Oh, what beauty, when that which once brought such brokenness in our life, gives hope and peace to another that God will also see them safely through.

Job 2:8 And he took him a potsherd to scrape himself withal; and he sat down among the ashes. Job was given relief by scraping his skin with a broken piece of pottery. Left whole, the vessel could not do the same work that it did as a broken piece. It had to be broken to bring forth the beauty that God purposed for it.

God allows some hard circumstances to occur in our lives, which may bring us much brokenness. A brokenness that our loving Father desires to turn to beauty that it may bring Him glory.  

Consider – Brokenness comes to us because of our own choices, the choices of others, or from circumstances beyond our control.   No matter the source, through the grace of God, it can become a work of beauty.  A beauty filled with grace, hope, and glory.


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