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[Lighthouse Daily Devotion] The Comfort of a Good Friend

The Comfort of a Good Friend
Submitted by Scott K. Miller, Associate Pastor
Victory Baptist Temple – Piedmont, Mo
May 9, 2024

2Co 7:5-6 For, when we were come into Macedonia, our flesh had no rest, but we were troubled on every side; without were fightings, within were fears. 6 Nevertheless God, that comforteth those that are cast down, comforted us by the coming of Titus;

The situation that Paul relates here is barely mentioned by Luke in Acts 20:1-3. Paul, being forced from Ephesus went to Troas on his way to Macedonia. Due to the perils of overland travel (i.e. robbers) Paul opted to travel by sea, which offered its own perils. Arriving at Troas, he stayed there for a considerable time. While he was given a ready hearing, his spirit had no rest. He waited there for weeks, hoping that Titus would arrive with some news from the church at Corinth. He had written a stern and passionate letter to them, thinking that it may have aggravated the situation there. After all, Paul was often troubled with “the care of all the churches” (2 Cor. 11:28).

With no sign of Titus, Paul made up his mind to travel to Philippi. We can only imagine what joy the church had at his arrival. However, even the warmth of their affection for him could not quell his burdened heart for some news about the church in Corinth. Had Titus been able to quell the revolt against Paul by the Judaizers?

Nevertheless God – Those are tremendous words! He knows just how much we can take. Just when it seemed as if Paul were at the breaking point, relief came—in Titus! Can you imagine the wide grin and bear hug Titus received when he found Paul at Lydia’s house?

And just think of the comfort in those refreshing words he heard from his dear brother in Christ. Titus told the old Apostle that the church was yearning to see him again. He spoke of their tears and how their conduct had grieved him.

But most of all, Titus spoke of their love and zeal for the Lord, and for the man who led them to Christ. What a great comfort Titus was!

Consider: Look for an opportunity today to share some good words of comfort with a discouraged friend.

Did You Know? Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.


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