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[Lighthouse Daily Devotion] The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah

The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah
Brother Neff’s Collections
Originally Published October 11, 2014
March 30, 2024

Re 5:5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.

We see Christ in the New Testament as loving, kind, and compassionate toward the downtrodden, the poor, the lame and also to the sinner. He even described Himself as being “gentle and lowly in heart” (Matt.11:29).

But to think that Christ is weak is to make a terrible mistake. Beneath His gentleness is a tremendous power. His mission kept in check His outrage at sin and false religion as He moved toward the cross.  

But one day His righteous wrath will pour forth when He comes back to defeat Satan and all the forces of evil.

We must not forget that the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world is also the “Lion of the tribe of Judah.”  He WILL judge the world in righteousness.

Consider: The way to face Christ as your Judge is to know Him as your Saviour.

Live & Learn: I know I am growing old when my ballpoint pens are inscribed with the names of companies now defunct—Age 71.

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