Every Creature Needs The Gospel
Submitted by Frank Williams
March 28, 2024
Mr 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Recently in a missions conference, the preacher said, "Jesus wants every person on earth to hear the gospel." It spoke to my heart and reminded me of the Lord's commission.
Every creature. This indicates God's desire that every single individual has the gospel presented to him.
Of course, this identifies man as a being of creation. He's not talking about the animal kingdom; nor even the spirit kingdom. But He is concerned about mankind. About people. Men, women, boys, girls. Husbands, fathers. Wives, mothers. Children. Neighbors, friends, co-workers.
The Lord's concern & love for mankind led Him to come into this world—To walk upon this earth—To pay the penalty of man's sin. And this payment—the death, the burial, the resurrection—is the Good News, the Gospel that He wants proclaimed worldwide.
Surely, each child of God is responsible for the kind of witness he is. But this is a command to the local church, not to the individual. One way we know this is by the use of the word "ye" which is plural, not singular. (KJV Rule for personal pronouns -- If it starts with "Y" it is plural; if it starts with "T" it is singular.)
So saved people, joined together into one body in Christ, as an assembly, are to preach the gospel. To purpose. To plan. And then to proceed to proclaim.
If every assembly that calls itself a "church" would do this, probably in one generation, the world would hear of the wonderful news, that they can be saved from the wrath to come. And so many churches would be planted that the next generation would also hear.
But regardless of what other churches do or don't, what is my church doing? And what am I as a member of that church doing? Am I doing my part personally in helping my church obey the Lord?
What are some ways I can help my church preach the gospel? Support missions. Give gospel tracts. Verbally speak the gospel. Use social media. Be a part of my church's outreach ministries.
And we don't even have to judge whether they need it or not; or, whether they would receive it or not; or, whether they are a hopeless case or not; or, whether they are rich, poor, red, yellow, black, or white.
Because every creature needs the gospel.
Consider: Good news and warnings of impending danger tend to spread fast.
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