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[Lighthouse Daily Devotion] The One Purpose

The One Purpose
Submitted by Ron Black
November 20, 2023

Ps 23:3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Sometimes, a sheep would decide to wander off and get lost. The shepherd would leave and search diligently for his lost sheep. He would search the valleys and the mountains, looking for his sheep. His only desire was to see that little lost lamb returned to the fold.

Once found, he would keep that lamb on a rope close to him. He would talk with it, love it, getting it close to him. He would build a relationship with it so it would stay close.

But what if the sheep kept wandering?

The shepherd would break one of the sheep’s legs. He would then mend his leg and carry the lamb everywhere he went. He would feed and care for the lamb’s every need. He wanted the sheep to realize that it needed the shepherd and to not wander off.

Sometimes in life, a child of God will wander to the mountains of success or the valley of despair, but rest assured, Jesus will not leave you there. He will always look for you with one purpose— to bring you back to him.

He sometimes "breaks our leg” to teach us to depend upon him and him alone. So remember, when you wander from God, He never gives up but will bring you back to the flock.

CONSIDER: Though deliberately or aimlessly straying, our Faithful Shepherd loves us and will not allow us to slip so far away from Him that we are lost forever.


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