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[Lighthouse Daily Devotion] CONSIDER YOUR WAYS

(Sent daily except Sunday)
(Some of the Devotions are original, some are adapted)
September 25, 2020


Haggai 1:5, 7 - "Now therefore thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways. Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways."

God used His prophet to challenge the people about their priorities and their activity. They were twice told to "Consider your ways." Haggai prophesied during the rebuilding of the temple after the Babylonian captivity. His message was to a people who were guilty of procrastinating about the building of the Lord's house. They felt there was ample time to improve and enjoy their own homes first.

What does it mean to consider one's ways? The word consider means "to think about or set your heart upon." They were to honestly evaluate their way of life. Is it right for us, the way we live? Is it right to neglect God's house or God's work? Is it right for those who claim a relationship with God to have time for personal interests or hobbies, but no time for God's work? How about neglecting our Bible reading or prayer time? Isn't it interesting how we have time for things that we want to do, but very often do not have time for things God wants us to do? We need to think about, or consider our ways.

It is so easy for us to get our lives and priorities out of balance. That is why it is good, from time to time, to consider our ways. Are we neglecting our families? Are we neglecting our Christian service? Do our job or hobbies demand too much of our time? We need to seriously evaluate our schedules and see where our time is being spent. What important activities are being sacrificed because we are investing too much of our lives to less important things? Once we have done an honest assessment of our ways, we need to make adjustments that reflect our new intentions.

It is important to think about what we need to be doing, but it is another thing to change our ways. What should I be doing that I am not doing? What am I doing that I should not be doing, or at least not doing so much of? Do I have time in my schedule for visitation or soul winning? Am I doing my part as far as helping with ministries or projects at the Church? Do I plan time in my schedule for family? Just as God used Haggai to challenge the priorities of His people, may His words speak to us as well.


Wit and Wisdom – The secret to success in the Christian life is to remember who the real boss is.

Point to Ponder - A cold seat in a public restroom is unpleasant. A warm seat in a public restroom is worse.

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