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[Lighthouse Daily Devotion] DO NOT HIDE THE GOSPEL

(Sent daily except Sunday)
(Some of the Devotions are original, some are adapted)
March 5, 2020


2 Corinthians 4:3 – “But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:”

I recently received an email that I want to share with you today.  Here it is:
Hello. I’m not sure exactly to whom this email goes. But a lady (I didn’t catch her name although I wish I had) gave me this tract “I’m No Longer An Orphan” at the Walmart Neighborhood Market on Timberlake Road in Lynchburg, Virginia.
I had grown up in church and actually went to Bible College for two years. For a long time, I thought I knew the Lord - but I didn’t. Although there were a couple things that brought me to this point your tract was instrumental in my salvation. I almost threw it away when it was given to me because I was the only one working that day and I thought, “Why in the world, God, is this tract being given to me? All my other co-workers need this more than I do.” But the Lord has a beautiful plan and He was working in my heart. This Sunday 2/16/20 I trusted Christ as my Savior! Thank you so much for giving me this tract and being a very influential part in what the Lord is doing!
I wrote that tract about my life growing up in an orphanage home.  Both of my parents died when I was three years old and I was placed in an orphanage home in Indiana.  I was there for 14 years and never one time did any of my relatives come to visit me.  At the age of 27 I heard the gospel for the first time in my life.  My wife, Paula, and I were saved after attending a revival meeting in a country Church near Franklin, IN.  Immediately our lives changed.  I started preaching soon after I was saved.  We went to Bible College and then God led us to go to Quincy, MA, and start a Church.  Five years later God led me into full-time evangelism.  It was our desire to win souls, revive Churches and help homeless children.  Paula and I have now started seven children’s homes around the world.
I wrote that tract that the lady in Virginia received.  What a joy it is to have her email me and share how God had saved her through the reading of my tract.  We concluded my sister-in-law is the one who gave it to her.  If you would like to have some of those tracts, we would be glad to mail them to you free of charge.  Remember, the fields are white unto harvest, but the laborers are few
Please do not hide the Gospel, but share the “good news” whenever God gives you the opportunity.


Wit and Wisdom – If you want to be generous – share the “Good News.”

Point to Ponder – Is it worth it to pass out tracts?  Maybe we should ask the lady in VA.

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