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[Lighthouse Daily Devotion] With Him, All Things

With Him, All Things
Submitted by Frank Williams
February 10, 2025

Ro 8:32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?

The depth of the above Truth is beyond our ability to plumb.  Before Genesis 1:1, there was nothing, except God, eternally existing in three glorious Persons—Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.  He was perfectly content with Himself, but He chose to create another person with whom He could have an eternal relationship. Thus, Creation explodes on the scene, with man and all the glories of God exhibited.

So, when God says He gives “all things” to those who possess the beloved Son, He means ALL THINGS.  All things material.  All things spiritual. And whatever else there is known only to the Lord God.

Spiritually, our salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus has to be counted the best and greatest gift of all.  God loved us, and He gave us His Son.  The salvation that is given to us in Jesus means much more than our sins being forgiven, remitted, and pardoned.  

Certainly, salvation includes these graces, but it goes far beyond.  It includes eternal life, a standing of righteousness, perfect holiness, a new birth, a new nature, and many other virtues. All of these that we possess by grace are purchased for us by the death and shed Blood of the Lord Jesus. And when we personally receive Jesus, these blessings are freely given to us.

There are many doctrines that relate to our salvation in Christ. Many are as follows:  Regeneration, Adoption, Justification, Imputation, Sanctification, Reconciliation, Propitiation, Redemption, and eventually, Glorification.  It benefits us greatly to take a deep dive into these Truths, and to realize that our salvation involves much, much more than “fire insurance” or a ticket to Heaven.

A couple of things that will be evident to you: (1) These are blessings and virtues you possess NOW. (2) Each of these doctrines individually proves the doctrine of Eternal Salvation and Security. Collectively, the proof is overwhelming.

So, don’t cheat yourself by neglecting these doctrines.  Know them.  Meditate on them.  Study them.  Memorize them.  And always rely on them daily.

Consider – As a believer, it is your union with the Lord Jesus that makes all these blessings your own.  If you have the Son, you have it all!

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