Commitments Are Good
Submitted by Frank Williams
December 30, 2024
2Co 1:20 For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.
Well, here we are, close to the end of another year. Lord willing, we'll make it to Wednesday to see 2025. Of course, we never know what a day may bring forth. It is always a good idea to get right with God TODAY! It isn't wise to play Russian Roulette with your soul. Too big a gamble.
But if you are reading this, you are here today. Like the man whose doctor told him, “You'll live to be 60.” The man said, “I am 60!” The doctor replied, “See, I was right.” In truth, we can only count on today, and maybe not all of it.
We may look back and wonder, Where has time gone? We are all a year older and wonder what the future will bring with what time we have left. We surely do not know all those answers, but we can know and trust the One in control.
People say, “Resolutions are made to be broken.” And many give up making them because they have failed. But commitments are good, so to give up on renewing right commitments, is not good.
Pr 24:16 For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.
We are thankful that we don't have to worry about God's commitments. His promises are sure. Jesus was not fickle nor inconsistent. Being the absolute Truth, He had to say concerning God's Word, “Yea” —that is, nothing but the Truth. There was no uncertain promise that could possibly come out of His mouth. All His promises are “Yes!” And they are all “Amen!” Yes, indeed!
And when we say “Amen,” we glorify God. We affirm our belief and trust. It is good to be among brethren who are not shy about doing so!
And it is very, very comforting to know and trust the Word of God, as it has been preserved by the personal, superintending work of the Holy Ghost Himself all the way to our day. And it isn't going anywhere next year.
The promises of God in Christ are true. And Amen! Yes, indeed!
Consider – Jesus is the Father's "yes" for every promise, every need, every hope.