How to be Blessed of God
For Women by Women
Submitted by Tara Black
December 27, 2024
Psalm 1:1 “Blessed is the man…”
My Mom got right with the Lord in 2016. Shortly thereafter, she became a member of a local church. Each year, the women of that church would meet together in January and choose a theme word for the upcoming year. In January of 2024, just a mere 5 months before her Homegoing, she chose the word “Blessed” as her theme for the year. As a way of adopting this theme for myself, I decided to learn more about how the Bible uses it, and why it is something to be desired.
The word “Blessed” is used over 250 times in the Bible. It is sometimes used in reference to God, the Lord, mankind as a whole, and the Earth. It is mentioned in 40 of the books, but none more so than Psalms. Out of the 47 times it is used in Psalms, 29 times it is used in reference to mankind, and 18 times in reference to God.
As I read each of the references to mankind, (something I would encourage you to do) some clear THEMES presented themselves. Here are just a few...
1) Delight yourself in the Lord and His Word. In Psalm 1:1-2 clear instruction is given on how to be blessed of the Lord. Some on what not to do, some on what to do.
2) Trust Him. In Psalm 2:12, 33:12, 34:8, and 40:4, Scripture speaks about trusting Him and how that leads to blessing.
3) Become His child through salvation. Psalms 32:1, 33:12, 34:8, and 37:22, explain the blessedness of belonging to Him and many of the ways He expresses His love to us.
4) Lastly, look on the less fortunate as He does. Psalm 41 speaks solely on how to see the world through His eyes and treat others as He does, and the blessings that He bestows on those who listen and obey.
In future devotions I hope to share with you the many reasons why being Blessed of God is a very good thing and much to be desired. Stay tuned for more!
Consider – This blessedness is as attainable by the poor, the forgotten and the obscure, as by those whose names figure in history, and are trumpeted by fame. — Spurgeon