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[Lighthouse Daily Devotion] Co-Laborers For Christ

Co-Laborers For Christ
Brother Neff’s Collections
Originally Published November 24, 2014
December 7, 2024

1Co 12:21-22 And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. 22 Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary:

I read a story about a great organist who was giving a concert.  In those days someone had to be back stage to pump large bellows to provide air for the organ pipes.  After each selection, the musician received a thunderous applause.  

Before his final number, the musician stood and announced that “He” would now perform his final piece.  He sat down at the console and began with a mighty chord – but the organ remained silent.  Just then a voice was heard from backstage, “Say, ‘We’!”

A self-sufficient attitude that overlooks the contribution of others can damage the work of the Lord.  No Christian has ever accomplished anything for the Lord without the help and sacrifice of others.  Paul said in today’s verse, co-laborers are needed, and they deserve sincere thanks and recognition.

That is certainly true in the Lighthouse Children’s Homes.  God has provided us with many wonderful co-laborers who work behind the scenes—Churches that give of their finances and prayers, individuals who give faithfully, those who sponsor children, directors for the Homes, house parents who live with the children, office workers, those who come to help with projects in the Homes, people who teach in our schools, field representatives, cooks, maintenance workers, and the list goes on and on.  

Paula and I thank the Lord for each of you who have worked and sacrificed to make the Lighthouse what it is today.

Is there someone you need to thank for helping you along life’s way; maybe a mom, dad, friends, husband or wife, children, a pastor, a co-worker etc.  We need to thank those who have had a part in helping us through their prayers, encouragement, and love.

Consider – A part of the body that uses everything it gets to feed and grow itself, we call it a cancer.  

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