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[Lighthouse Daily Devotion] Do You Worry?

Do You Worry?
For Women By Women
Submitted by Paula Neff
July 19, 2024

Eph 5:16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

We DO live in evil days, more so all the time.  Because of that, we need to make every day, every minute count for God.  As Christians we know this, yet one of the biggest time-wasters we have in our lives is WORRY!!  Have you every worried? I know the answer is “Yes.”  We all have worried at some point in our lives, but some people seem to have an addiction to worry. They worry about every thing, and they worry all the time!

I remember learning the little chorus, “WHY WORRY?” while helping in Junior Church shortly after becoming a Christian at age 25.  I KNEW I was saved, but I had doubts about some other things and worried about a lot of things.   Singing this chorus calmed my doubts and worries, and I have sung it to myself many, many times since – sometimes silently, sometimes out loud!  Maybe you know it.

    Why worry, when you can pray?
    Trust Jesus, He’ll be your stay
    Don’t be a “doubting Thomas”
    Rest fully on His promise.
    Why worry, worry, worry, worry
    When you can pray?

Upon investigation, I learned it was written by Alfred B. Smith (lyrics) and John W. Peterson (melody) as the chorus of a hymn called Why Worry.  These two well-known and prolific song writers wrote an entire hymn about the subject of worry.  

I’m sure many others have written songs about worry.  Countless lessons have been taught and sermons have been preached about worry, fear, and anxiety.  This seemingly “little” subject can have BIG consequences in our lives and can sometimes paralyze us as Christians, rendering us useless in the work of the Lord.  Doesn’t the devil love that!

Worry used to plague me, but that little chorus helped me turn the corner, replacing my worry with prayer. I even wrote a poem about my worrying called WORRY WART.

    Worry wart!  That’s me, I guess.
    How foolish to worry – just let God bless.
    He will, I know, for He always does –
    And then I see how silly I was…

    To wonder “why?” and wonder “how?”
    And wonder “does God need my help just now?”
    I KNOW – I BELIEVE – but too often forget
    That God’s not out of business yet!!

God wants you to live a life of love and trust and peace, not of fear and anxiety and worry.

Consider: Are you a Worry Wart? Trust God and “redeem the time” by turning your worries into prayers.

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