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[Lighthouse Daily Devotion] Weary In Well Doing

Weary In Well Doing
Submitted by Frank Williams
July 1, 2024

Ga 6:9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Are you weary this morning, as you wipe the sleep out of your eyes? We know what we are supposed to do today, but does the list of “things to do” come with the interest and excitement that it once did? Even the good things that we keep doing, in serving the Lord and helping others, can be taxing.

Perhaps, we could be doing too much. Are our priorities out of kilter? Maybe we’ve said “Yes” too many times. Maybe we need to evaluate our activities and eliminate some things. We look around, hoping and praying for some help to carry the burdens. But many are just not following suit. Some folks are just not in the yoke, helping to bear the burden.

Yet, we may be simply doing exactly what we need to be doing, and it has worn us down. In our well-doing, we must guard our focus and not start wondering about others. Jesus had to refocus Peter (John 21:20-22).

The burdens and needs of those in our world of contacts is great. We tell others, Cast your burdens on the Lord and trust Him. What should we do when we get weary and think we can’t keep going?  The answer is to go to the One who never tires or grows weary (Isaiah 40:28). To take a deep spiritual breath, and do that—is actually, really refreshing to the soul.

God tells us that He will strengthen us and help us (Isaiah 41:10).  He tells us when our strength starts waning, He will renew it, and we will soar like eagles (Isaiah 40:31).

And when we think we can no longer do what the Lord asks of us, like Paul we can recognize the source of our strength— Php 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

When you rise and go through the motions—remember that our Lord is Sovereign. We are not alone in our labors. He had promised to never leave nor forsake us.

    With Me

        I told the Lord, “This journey’s long,”
            He said, “I know the length.”
        I told Him, “But I’m faint and weak.”
            He said, “I’ll give you strength.”

        No matter what my words—God heard;
            He listened patiently.
        But what has meant the most is this,
            my Father walks with me.

Consider – The Lord doesn’t renew us, just in regeneration—but all along the daily way.

Fun Trivia – African lions catch about 20% of the prey they chase. Dragonflies catch 95%.

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