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[Lighthouse Daily Devotion] True Happiness

True Happiness
Brother Neff’s Collections
Originally Published October 29, 2014
June 22, 2024

Eph 5:18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;

Many people seem to think that they have to be filled with liquor or pills to be happy in this life.  

One housewife said, “I found if I took a pill I didn’t get upset about anything.”  But soon she was popping the pills like peanuts.  She is just one of many addicts who are hooked on tranquilizers, barbiturates, alcohol, and other chemicals.

The Bible warns us that we are not to be controlled by any element that distorts reality and gives a false sense of happiness. Even some Christians depend on the pharmacist for feelings of satisfaction and happiness.  When drugs and alcohol take the place of relying on God, there is a serious problem.

The feeling of happiness and well-being that results from obeying the Lord and serving others is a far better way to find true and lasting happiness.  Sure, you may have to give up some time and selfish liberties; but that is the true secret of happiness and fulfillment.  Depending on drugs and alcohol may bring temporary feelings of euphoria; but it soon leads to terrible bondage.  

The one who chooses to be a grateful servant of Christ has found true freedom, happiness, a clear mind and a joyful heart.

Consider – Controlling substances are thieves. They steal money out of the pocket and wit out of the head.

Smiley: One thing no one ever talks about, when it comes to being an older adult, is how much time we devote to keeping a cardboard box because it is, you know, a really good box.


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