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[Lighthouse Daily Devotion] Journey With Ruth

Journey With Ruth
Submitted by Ted Mock
June 5, 2024

Ru 1:16-17 And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God: 17 Where thou diest, will I die, and there will I be buried: the LORD do so to me, and more also, if ought but death part thee and me.

This is another of my notes that I am writing in the Bible that I am giving to Sam at the beginning of the book of Ruth.

Teenage boys are more interested in books like I and II Samuel that are coming up than the story of Ruth, so I made this note at the first of the book to help him see it as more than just a love story, and in hopes that it will peak his interest.

Ruth is one of my favorite books. It takes place at the time of the end of Judges when all seems lost and hopeless. It is a love story like no other, but it is more than just the story of Ruth and of Boaz and the love he had for her. It is the story of our Kinsman Redeemer and His love for us.

The names of every person, every place, have meaning and purpose. There is significance in two of the characters who remain nameless in the story and why God did not record their names.

Do not let its short length fool you. Ruth is rich and full of nuggets for anyone who is willing to dig deep to find its treasure. It ties the past time of the Judges, to the time of the Kings of Israel, and beyond, to our day and our Kinsman Redeemer. The genealogy at the end spans the time between the patriarchs to the reign of King David. Prophetically, it points to three of the five women found in Matthew’s genealogy of Christ.

As you read it, walk down the road to Moab with Elimelech and his family. Walk back to Bethlehem with widows, Naomi and Ruth. Then walk with Ruth to the fields of Boaz. The journey will be well worth it in the end because it will lead you to our Kinsman Redeemer.

Thank God that I found grace in the eyes of my Kinsman Redeemer! Ruth 2:10.

Consider:  God was guiding Ruth, working all events out for good—all because she loved God and was totally committed to Him.

Did You Know?  Scientists in Australia 's Parkes Observatory thought they had positive proof of alien life, when they began picking up radio-waves from space. However, after investigation, the radio emissions were traced to a Microwave in the building.

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