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[Lighthouse Daily Devotion] THE STABILITY OF FAITH

(Sent daily except Sunday)
(Some of the Devotions are original, some are adapted)
July 30, 2019


Psalm 125:1 - "They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever." 

God certainly wants to bring a sense of security to our lives. This is something we all need, especially in times of great instability and uncertainty in our world. The Bible uses such words as steadfast, unmovable, grounded and settled, and not moved away to describe the stability God wants us to experience. What is the secret or the source of such stability? Is it our occupation or location? Is it our popularity or personality? Is it our circumstances? The Psalmist gives us the answer to these questions: "They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which abideth forever."

There is a special measure of consistency found in those who are exercising faith in God. Faith, true faith, faith that is resting in the Lord and His promises can give such stability to our existence. There is soundness and security to the one who has his "trust in the LORD." What a blessed place this is, this place of trust! When we trust the Lord completely, it removes fear and doubt. Satan wants us to be confused and worried, but God wants us to be at peace and rest.

It is amazing how unstable and insecure people are, even those who claim to be God's people. This instability sometimes causes people to look for some external change that can bring the satisfaction they desire. So, they change jobs, churches, careers, etc., because they are not content. Multitudes of God's children have left the place of His will because they were not genuinely trusting the Lord right where they were. Often, the answer to that instability lies within us. Our all-sufficient God invites us to trust Him completely with our needs and concerns, and find Him as the source of our steadfastness. He is described in the pages of Scripture as a Rock. Surely if we can trust Him with the matter of our eternal salvation, we can trust Him with anything. Being steadfast, settled, secure, and consistent are not simply the results of a life free from difficulty or disturbances. Rather, it is the fruit of the heart that is completely depending on God and resting in His faithful promises.


Wit and Wisdom – Feed your faith and doubt will starve to death.

Point to Ponder – Christian talk is no substitute for the Christian walk.  

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